VEHICLE CM NOV 31st & DEC 1st, 2022

BETA team hosts the VEHICLE Consortium Meeting (CM) at the UVic campus in the ancient town of Vic in Catalonia, Spain 

At the end of 2022 the VEHICLE partners were finally able to meet in person at the beautiful ancient town of Vic in Catalonia, Spain. The BETA team located at the UVic University's campus hosted partners from the Netherlands (Avantium), Sweden (Ecohelix), Italy (Novamont) and Finland (Kemira, MetGen and Spinverse). Representatives from Estonia (Fibenol) joined the meeting virtually making all the partners present in the Consortium Meeting.

The two-day meeting included workshops on various topics including dissemination & communication, exploitation of the project's key results, and discussing future collaboration possibilities to continue the excellent work and fruitful collaboration within VEHICLE even futher beyond the project's duration.

The meeting formed an excellent foundation for the partners to finalize the project as it's nearing its end on April 30th, 2023. The final Consortium Meeting of VEHICLE is to be hosted by the Novamont team in the spring of 2023.